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You got ~ in your ubuntu folder name?

Tilde ( ~ ) in ubuntu folder name and solution

Word of caution, this is a extreme edge case that i personally found. It might not be the same case for you, so be careful before using this script.

If you wanna skip reading and go to the code

I have a homelab setup with Radarr, Sonarr, Qbittorrent and a few other goodies. It works perfectly 99.9% of the time, until there is a powercut. I did have UPS back up for my systems, but somehow i failed to notice its backup range going down, probably due to the battery failing.

Anyhow, a couple of months ago, one of my 8TB drive failed and then a 10TB drive failed. I should’ve taken precautions by then, but being lazy, i didn’t pay much attention to it and that created a monster of a problem. The ~ problem.


When the drives started to fail, i used rsync to copy the files to another drive. And power failed during that transfer. Me being overly relying on rysnc didn’t paid much attention to it and later down the round, i found out, there is an issue.

Now i have folders like this,

Movie name ( 2010 )


Movie Name ( 201~)

Now thats a concern for itself. But in further inspection, i found the ~ sign all over the place in folder name.

Movie Name (~20)
Movie Name (2010)~0
Movie Name (2~)
Movie Name (201~)
Movie Name (2010~

I was baffled for a min. But the bigger problem was yet to arrive. When i looked into the folders with ~, they do contain the movie file. But due to the other *arr things that are trying to find those movies, they created their own folders. Now i have two movie folders for some movies,

Movie Name (2010)~0 < or any other format mentioned above 


Movie Name (2010) < the one created by arr services

Even though the movie is there, it won’t be able to find it cause it doesn’t have any context for the ~ in the name. Maybe we need some AI here?

Now here is the final situation,

  • I have the movies in the folder with the ~
  • The system doesn’t know that and downloading the same file again

So what do you do?



I started writing a python script, trying to solve this issue. In my mind, a simple regex here and there, rest will be easy. Little did i know, i was in for a wild ride.

My first attempt to search the folders with ~ in name

folders_with_tilde = [f for f in os.listdir(root_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(root_dir, f)) and '~' in f]

Now i got the folders fine. But how do i know if there is a corresponding folder without the ~ in name?

First Attempt

def extract_base_name(folder_name):
match = re.search(r'\(20[0-9]{2}~?\)', folder_name)
if match:
base_name = folder_name[:match.start()]
return base_name
return None

Second Attempt

def extract_base_name(folder_name):
match = re.search(r'\(?(20[0-9]{2})~?\)?', folder_name)
if match:
base_name = folder_name[:match.start()]
return base_name
return None

Now regex is considered magic in a lot of circle /s. Anyway, moving forward, I matched with the following condition(s).

  • See if there is a folder with ~ in name
  • Extract the movie name from it
  • See if there is a corresponding folder without ~ in name
  • Find out if there is a movie file in the corresponding folder
  • If yes, delete the ~ folder.
  • If no, check if the ~ folder has a movie file in it.
  • If yes, move the movie file from the ~ folder to the non ~ folder.
  • Delete the ~ folder.
  • Now check, if both the ~ folder and the non ~ folder both has movies in it.
  • If yes, remove the ~ folder.

Hence, i created a python script that does exactly that, until,

Movie Name (1989)
Movie Name (2022)

Same movie, one is sequal and one is prequal. Since my script doesn’t account for the year in the movie name ( How can i? some ~ removed the year ), it got screwed in a couple of cases. Thats something i will be working on.

For now, this is my script. If you faced a similar situation ( which i highly doubt cause mine happened because of my stupidity ), use the script.

Just make sure you understand what its doing, there is a simple Yes no confirmation before deletion. Make sure you don’t delete files you need.

The Code